MF Training

Preservation – Masterclass

If you want to master or discover the World of Preservation Rhinoplasty with one of the pioneers in Brazil and in the World you must join this experience. With SPAR – Septo Pyramidal Adjustment and Repositioning (created by Dr. Dewes, described by Dr. Mario Ferraz and updated by Dr. Mario Ferraz and Dr. José Carlos Neves (father of Tetris) this course covers all the philosophy behind all types of techniques – High Strip/SPAR A; Low Strip/SPAR B; Push Up/SPAR C and Tetris. Precision technique will be taught during all the discussion and training.

We cover the 3 layers of learning: Theoretical (online 1 week before). Do it from your home; 2 Full days of dissection – one day SPAR A (one head) next day SPAR B (fresh head) and last day in which Dr. Mario Ferraz will demonstrate the techniques in live surgery (one SPAR A and one SPAR B)


2nd Semester:

August 18, 23



2nd Semester:

August 18, 23 


36 hour workload

Piezo and Drill will be available for each workstation and its use will be taught during the
Free Access to our Teaching Materials through our platform (RhinoAnatomy III, IV and V;
Dissection videos and Special Lectures) for 30 days.
Languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English.


•Portuguese and Spanish 

•Check Special dates and groups for English

Rhino Play

Online Platform and Previous Editions of Rhino Anatomy

Rhino Play

Online Platform and Previous Editions of Rhino Anatomy

Preservation masterclass

Magic Week – One Week Fellowship