MF Training

FaceAnatomy – Introduction to Facial Plastic Surgery

This course intends to enable participants in facial plastic procedures that can be associated to rhinoplasty or under sedation plus local anesthesia and boost the patient result.

Topics covered in theory and hands on : Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty; Direct Brow Lift (Castañares); Brow lift; Lip Lift; Corner Lift; Chin Implant; Chin Osteotomy; Neck Liposuction; Forehead Reduction/Hairline advancement.Dr. Mário Ferraz, Dr. Lucas Patrocínio and Team will conduct an online day in which all the procedures will be explained and prepare the participants for two full days of cadaver dissection.

Procedures will be demonstrated and participants will reproduce in their own
fresh frozen specimens under close supervision of the professors.




2nd Semester:

April 14,19 and 20th

26 hour workload

Piezo and Drill will be available for each workstation and its use will be taught during the course.

Free access to Lectures will be provided


•Portuguese and Spanish 

Rhino Play

Online Platform and Previous Editions of Rhino Anatomy

Rhino Play

Online Platform and Previous Editions of Rhino Anatomy

FaceAnatomy – Introduction to Facial Plastic

Magic Week – One Week Fellowship